Taylor Spratt » Ms. Swift's 6th Grade ELA

Ms. Swift's 6th Grade ELA

Welcome to Ms. Swift’s 6th Grade Class!

Biography: Ms. Swift is thrilled to be part of the vibrant educational community here at Widney! With a passion for teaching and over a decade of experience, she brings enthusiasm, dedication, and creativity to the classroom every day. Ms. Spratt earned her Bachelor's Degree in Education from Antioch College, and her commitment to lifelong learning is reflected in her ongoing pursuit of professional development opportunities. She believes in fostering a supportive and inclusive learning environment where every student feels valued and empowered to reach their full potential.

world map

In Ms. Swift’s 6th grade class, students embark on an exciting journey of discovery across various subjects. Here's a glimpse into the engaging classes she teaches:

  • English Language Arts (ELA): Through immersive reading experiences, interactive discussions, and writing workshops, students develop their literacy skills and explore the power of language.
  • Mathematics: Mrs. Smith makes math come alive by incorporating real-world applications and hands-on activities to help students grasp fundamental mathematical concepts with confidence.
  • Science: In the science classroom, students engage in inquiry-based learning, conducting experiments, and exploring the wonders of the natural world while cultivating their scientific curiosity.
  • Social Studies: Through the lens of history, geography, and culture, students gain a deeper understanding of the world around them, fostering critical thinking and global awareness.

 Here are our classroom expectations:

  • Respect: We believe in treating each other with kindness, empathy, and understanding. We respect diverse perspectives, backgrounds, and ideas, fostering a culture of inclusivity and mutual respect.
  • Participation: Your voice matters! We encourage active participation and engagement in class discussions, activities, and group work. Every contribution adds richness and depth to our learning community.
  • Effort: Learning is a journey, and effort is key to success. We celebrate perseverance, resilience, and the willingness to take on challenges. Together, we embrace mistakes as opportunities for growth and learning.
  • Responsibility: We take responsibility for our actions, words, and learning. We come to class prepared, ready to listen, learn, and collaborate with our peers. We take care of our classroom environment and resources, showing pride in our shared space.
  • Support: We are here to support each other's academic and personal growth. We lend a helping hand, offer encouragement, and celebrate each other's achievements. Together, we create a supportive community where everyone can thrive.
  • Inclusivity: Our classroom is a safe and welcoming space for all. We embrace diversity in all its forms and celebrate the unique identities and experiences that each student brings. We stand together against prejudice, discrimination, and bullying.
  • Open-mindedness: We approach new ideas, challenges, and perspectives with an open mind and a willingness to learn. We value curiosity, critical thinking, and the exchange of ideas, enriching our learning experience through diverse viewpoints.
  • Communication: Effective communication is essential for collaboration and understanding. We listen attentively, communicate respectfully, and express ourselves thoughtfully. We encourage open dialogue and constructive feedback.
  • Celebration: We celebrate each other's achievements, big and small. Whether it's mastering a new concept, overcoming a challenge, or demonstrating kindness and compassion, every success is worthy of recognition and celebration.

Fun: Learning should be enjoyable and fulfilling! We infuse our classroom with laughter, creativity, and joy, making learning an engaging and memorable experience for everyone.

Ms. Swift's Favorite Out-Of-School Activities

My Summer Vacation!
Swim Club 2023-2024 Season

